Thursday, October 17, 2024

Terminal Danger by Jerusha Agen Review


Oh my goodness, I absolutely loved Terminal Danger, the final book in Jerusha Agen's Guardians Unleashed series. While I hadn't gotten to know all the characters as well as I would have liked if I had read the entire series, I got to know them well enough in the last couple of books, and now in this newest book. I just have to say, I really have to get my hands on the rest of the series. Maybe I'll just have to ask for the series for Christmas so I can properly meet all the ladies of the Phoenix K-9 Security and Detection Agency and learn their stories.

Terminal Danger is the book that finally focuses on the leader of this agency. The one that brought all the ladies together. Even though I only read two of the previous books, I knew that Phoenix Gray was elusive and closed off. I remembered that Jazz didn't trust her in Lethal Danger. So, I was glad to finally get to know her story. To learn what makes her tick. To figure out why she was so elusive. 

We were also introduced to a new character, the male protagonist, Callum Ross, an FBI agent who has been after the same serial killer that Phoenix has been trying to bring to justice for over twenty years. They meet briefly on a case and then are brought back together again when a busload of children is kidnapped. The thing is, Phoenix doesn't really want him there. She doesn't want anyone extra there helping, as she prefers to do things alone. But something about Callum makes her decide to agree to have him help track the children.

I loved seeing the way Phoenix was able to deduce what the "bad guy" was doing and going to do. Loved seeing the interactions between her and Callum and her and her team. And of course, what would this series be without the K-9s themselves. They are most definitely integral characters in this series. 

But most of all, I loved the faith that was woven into the story. The importance of knowing that God is sovereign and He loves us and has a plan for us. This quote really spoke to me, "God is love, justice, righteousness, and so much more. His characteristics never contradict one another. They are always in harmony. His love is shown in His justice and vice versa."

If you are a fan of romantic suspense, you are going to want to read not only this book, but the entire series. The author had me swiping through pages to see what was going to happen. There was danger and suspense, there were twists and turns, some I saw coming, others I did not. Very tense at times, but nothing too over the top. 

I received an e-copy of this book as a member of the launch team and was not required to write a favorable review. These are my own honest thoughts.

I invite you to read my reviews of the previous two books I read from this series:

Lethal Danger 

Midnight Clear

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