Monday, February 17, 2025

Storm Warning by Elizabeth Goddard Review


Storm Warning is another great romantic suspense from author Elizabeth Goddard. This book is the first in a new series and I can't wait for the next book. 

The story is told from both Remi Grants and Hawk Beckett's points of view. 

Remi is the manager at a tucked away lodge where people come to get away and enjoy the views of the north Pacific ocean. As the story opens there are a series of storms rolling in which the guests are looking forward to watching in all their awesome power. These storms are important to the plot of the story. 

Hawk tells Remi he is at the lodge because he wants to offer helicopter tours of the area so the guests have another way to experience the area. However, he finds himself coming to Remi's rescue right at the beginning of the story. 

Remi finds herself wondering if Hawk's presence in her dire times of need aren't too convenient. Is there a nefarious reason why he always seems to show up? Of course, the reader also sees Hawk's point of view, so we know his true intentions. 

Danger keeps cropping up and Remi and Hawk find themselves on the run. Not only do they need to stay ahead of the bad "guy" or is it multiple bad "guys"? But Remi is under pressure to remember something that happened in the past. An event that must have been so traumatic that she lost her memory of several days. It seems there are people who want her to remember and others who don't want her to remember. And there are so many twists on exactly who is on which side. Definitely twists I didn't see coming. And once the truth starts to emerge, the story took a twist I really didn't expect. The story kept me swiping through pages just so I could find out what exactly was going on. 

I will add, I wasn't sure exactly how I felt about the relationship between Remi and Hawk. She kept flip-flopping on whether she should trust him or not, yet finding herself drawn to him. And there were times the little ponderings of each other didn't seem to fit with the circumstances they found themselves in. It also seemed at times, that if they did end up together they would be at odds quite a bit. Though as the story went on, I did find myself rooting for their relationship. 

What made me drop a star in my rating was the inconsistencies in the story. It bothered me that they would be concerned about something and then suddenly turn around and do what they said they shouldn't do. 

That said, I still loved this book and definitely recommend it. Especially if you are looking for fast moving suspense that keeps you on your toes. I can't wait for the next book which focuses on one of the other characters from the story. 

I received an e-copy of this book through NetGalley and was not required to write a favorable review. These are my own honest thoughts.

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