Tuesday, October 31, 2023

The Extraordinary Deaths of Mrs. Kip by Sara Brunsvold Review


Oh my, what a powerful, emotional book. I am so glad this book was recommended to me. It was definitely different than I thought it would be. I got caught up in Clara Kip's story as she shared with Aidyn, and as we got to see her memories from decades earlier. We see the story through Clara's eyes as well as Aidyn's. 

Though Aidyn's relationship with the elderly, dying Mrs. Kip started out as what felt like a demeaning writing assignment, it grew into so much more. I loved seeing their relationship grow, along with seeing Aidyn's relationship with the Lord grow thanks to Mrs. Kip, a woman who didn't always love the Lord, but was led to Him after tragedy struck her life. The life that we get to see through her memories shows a life dedicated to the Lord and serving Him by serving and loving others. 

The author really brought these characters to life. I loved seeing things through Mrs. Kip's perspective, and knowing her thoughts as she adjusted to life in hospice care. There truly were some hilarious interactions between this spunky lady and the staff who are just trying to keep her safe. And while there were these humorous scenes, there were frequent reminders that she was in hospice care for a reason. So, quite the emotional rollercoaster. 

I really appreciated learning the historical facts that were shared when we learned things that she did when she was younger. I was definitely not expecting this aspect of the book, but it was quite eye-opening. And I really don't want to give anything away here, so I'll just leave it at that.

And of course, we also get to see the struggles that Aidyn is dealing with in her life as the book isn't just about Mrs. Kip, but Aidyn as well. 

I was in tears for quite a bit of the book, don't worry, some of these were just happy tears, very emotional. 

These are definitely characters that will stay with me. Here is one of the quotes that really stuck with me, "the mark of authentic love is dying a thousand deaths to self." 
Definitely a book I highly recommend, and one that is among my top reads of 2023. 

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