Friday, June 21, 2024

Coal Black Lies by Cindy K. Sproles Review


Coal Black Lies is the second book I have read by Cindy Sproles and I loved it.

It is rare that I find a book that has a male as the protagonist that doesn't also have the female point of view. But this book was told in first person, from only Joshua's point of view.

He is a man in depair, contemplating suicide (not a spoiler as it is the first line of the book, and I figured some may want the trigger warning), grieving the loss of his only child several years earlier. His wife and he have drifted apart, instead of being there for each other. He has so much rage and hatred and the need for revenge flowing through his veins. All of this is directed toward the Barton's who own the mine where he used to slave away, along with the "Company Store," the only place the mine workers can shop. The owners are power hungry and greedy and he has had enough.

But then a innocent, pure-minded, abandoned, little girl enters their lives and their lives are changed.
Who is this girl? Will they be able to protect her from the evil mine owners? Or does she belong one of them? There are a series of tragedies and near tragedies, hooded figures, and mysteries to figure out. But through it all, Joshua finds that God is working on his heart. But will he be stubborn and remain in his hate-filled ways, or will he allow God to teach him forgiveness and love?

I have to say, Joshua's inner thoughts kept me wondering who he and his wife Raney should trust. Would they make the right decision or be betrayed? I was right there with him trying to figure it out, and the author really did throw in some twists I did not see coming, just like our main characters and their few friends.

An awesome book that I highly recommend.

I received a copy of this book as a member of the launch team and was not required to write a favorable review. These are my own honest thoughts.

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