Saturday, October 12, 2024

A Boy Named Rindy by Olivia Talbott Review


A Boy Named Rindy by Olivia Talbott is an emotional, powerful book. Though it was quite long, just over 500 pages, I was drawn into the story and it just wouldn't let me go. So much heartache and devastation. So many tears. But, there was hope. Even through rejection and being unloved, through abuse and starvation, war and being near death, there was courage and tenacity and determination. At different times in his life, Rindy had been told his life meant something, even though his family rejected him, the Buddist religion he grew up in tried to beat him down, and those in power tried to destroy him (along with everything and everyone he knew and loved), there was that flicker of hope. 

This story takes us from Rindy's childhood through him becoming a young man. It is based on his true story. A story told directly to the author. A story that needed to be told. And I'm so glad it was even though it was so devastating. I couldn't believe I had never learned of the genocide in Cambodia when learning about world history. I'm sitting there looking at the dates, thinking about my life as a young girl living in America when this atrocity was taking place in Asia. It's heartbreaking. I'm tearing up writing this review, thinking back on what took place in Rindy's life, in his country. 

But, we also see the power of God. The transformation of a person who grew up Buddhist, was forced to become religion-less during the reign of the Khmer Rouge, but ultimately led to Christ. And yes, there were also happy tears as I read about how Christ started to use this young man. 

Yes, there is a lot in this book, it is heavy, not a light read. But it is so well worth the read. I highly recommend it. 

I received an e-copy of this book as a member of the launch team and was not required to write a favorable review. These are my own honest thoughts. 

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