Thursday, March 14, 2024

Friday Fun - March 15, 2024

Welcome to my Friday Fun post. This is where I share with three different book parties that post on Fridays: Book Beginnings on Fridays, the Friday 56, and First Line Friday.

This week I have three books to share with you.

I read Never Fall Again by Lynn H. Blackburn. This is the first book in her Gossamer Falls series and it just released this week. 

I am currently reading an ARC of The Mapmaker's Secret by Jennifer Mistmorgan as a part of the launch team.

I just started reading Love, Unscripted by Denise Hunter. This book also just released this week.

        Book Beginnings on Friday     

(Please join Gilion Dumas for Book Beginnings every Friday to share the first sentence (or so) of the book you are reading, along with your initial thoughts about the sentence, impressions of the book, or anything else the opener inspires. Please remember to include the title of the book and the author's name.)


First Line Friday

(Please join C arrie for First Line Friday.)

Here are my Book Beginnings/First Line Friday selections:

  Never Fall Again by Lynn H. Blackburn:

"Landry Hutton didn't believe dreams came true anymore."

Had to wonder why.

The Mapmaker's Secret by Jennifer Mistmorgan:

"'You want me to do what!'"

Now I needed to know you was being asked to do something, and why it appeared he or she had a problem with it.

Love, Unscripted by Denise Hunter:

"In a world where surprises were not always the good kind, Chloe Anderson knew she'd better savor the moment."

Wondered what the good surprise was that she wanted to savor.

Now for:
The Friday 56

The Friday 56 is normally hosted over at Freda's Voice. But Anne from My Head is Full of Books is taking over for a while. 

*Grab a book, any book.
*Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader
(If you have to improvise, that's ok.)
 *Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it) that grab you.
*Post it.
*Add your (url) post below in Linky. Add the post url, not your blog url. It's that simple.

Here are my Friday 56 selections:

Never Fall Again by Lynn H. Blackburn:
"Cal climbed into his truck, cranked the engine, and stared at Landry's door. He had no idea what he was doing. He didn't think Landry knew either. And for tonight, leaving well enough alone was the best outcome."

The Mapmaker's Secret by Jennifer Mistmorgan:

"'Yes, and someone has gone to an awful lot of trouble to make that second one look like me. But I was home with a cold when it was taken. You can bet there's a third picture somewhere that is too indecent to print.'"

Love, Unscripted by Denise Hunter:

"Because his muscled leg, complete with California tan, was right there, she turned and stared out her window. She'd tossed and turned all night, worrying about this plan and wondering if she'd soon regret it."


Last week I shared three books in my Friday Fun post. Here are the links to two of them. I still need to finish reading Set in Stone by Kimberley Woodhouse.:


  1. The Mapmaker's Secret looks interesting and so does Love, Unscripted. Have a great weekend!

  2. I read Never Fall Again too, it was not a bad book. It's not my normal read, but it wasn't bad.

  3. I agree with you. In the Mapmaker's book what is she being asked to do?

  4. The opening line of The Mapmaker's Secret does have me wondering what she's being asked to do! I've heard good things about Denise Hunter's books. Love, Scripted sounds good.

  5. Happy Saturday!!!
    I'm currently reading One Wrong Move by Dani Pettrey. So far, it's pretty creepy. 😄
    "Andi slowed as she entered Jeopardy Falls and the speed limit on Juan Tabo dropped to thirty. She cruised along the two-lane road running through the center of town."
    I hope you have an excellent weekend. 🙂💕📚


Thank you so much for stopping by. If you have the time, I would appreciate it if you leave a comment. Have a blessed day!