Saturday, April 9, 2022

Friday Fun- April 8th, 2022

Welcome to my Friday Fun post. This is where I share with two different book parties that post on Fridays: Book Beginnings on Fridays and the Friday 56.

This week I discovered that the Seeking Justice series by C.C. Warrens was a continuation of the Holly series. The books are in third person point of view, from various viewpoints. The first is Injustice for All. 

Then there is the Christmas novella, Holly Jolly Christmas that takes place between book one and book two of the Seeking Justice series. 

Book two is titled Imperfect Justice

Book Beginnings on Fridays

(Please join Gilion Dumas for Book Beginnings every Friday to share the first sentence (or so) of the book you are reading, along with your initial thoughts about the sentence, impressions of the book, or anything else the opener inspires. Please remember to include the title of the book and the author's name.)

Here is my book beginnings for Injustice for All by C.C. Warrens.

"He slid down the wall to the floor and stared at his bloody hands, horrified by what he had done. There hadn't been any other way, and he knew that, but the terrified look in the man's eyes was an image he would never be able to purge from his mind."

Well, that was an intense beginning from the viewpoint of a new killer. 

Here is my book beginnings for Holly Jolly Christmas by C.C. Warrens.

"Rain flowed down the truck's windshield in rivulets, causing the gray street ahead to ripple. Gus squinted, straining to see the edges of the road."

I wasn't sure who this was focusing on, but it is a scene from "Then," and I was wondering what was going to happen during this rainstorm and how it would play into the remainder of the story in present day.

And here is my book beginnings for Imperfect Justice.

"The bloody footprints materialized on the sidewalk as the rising sun crept slowly over the city-small, feminine, and uncoordinated. 
Liam's blue eyes lingered on the gruesome trail that had led him to the front door of a rundown duplex, his mind drawing details from the photograph in his pocket to paint the scene."

Well, I was completed confused about who this Liam was. I figured there was a new killer, just like in Injustice for All, but there had never been a cop by the name of Liam before, so I wasn't sure how it was going to play into the rest of the Holly books. 

Now for:
The Friday 56

The Friday 56 is hosted over at Freda's Voice.
*Grab a book, any book.
*Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader
(If you have to improvise, that's ok.)
 *Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it) that grab you.
*Post it.
*Add your (url) post below in Linky. Add the post url, not your blog url. It's that simple.

Here is my Friday 56 selection.

Injustice for All by C.C. Warrens

"'Nobody's gonna hurt you,' Marx assured her. 'But if you don't settle down, we're gonna have this conversation with you in a jail cell.'
She spat curses that would make a nun faint, as if she thought screeching profanity would scare them off, but she stopped resisting."

Holly Jolly Christmas by C.C. Warrens

"She couldn't let him throw this opportunity away, especially not because of her. It was obvious that her presence was a point of contention. Mr. Gus didn't want her here."

Imperfect Justice by C.C. Warrens

"For the longest time, Holly was angry with her for her part in everything that happened. But she had to let that anger go, because she knew how it felt to be so desperate to feel safe that you would do almost anything."


  1. Lots of close up faces on those covers. Enjoy them all.

  2. They all sound decent, but Injustice For All really grabbed at me! Happy weekend!


Thank you so much for stopping by. If you have the time, I would appreciate it if you leave a comment. Have a blessed day!