Friday, August 5, 2022

Friday Fun - August 5, 2022

Welcome to my Friday Fun post. This is where I share with two different book parties that post on Fridays: Book Beginnings on Fridays and the Friday 56.

I had The Dating Charade by Melissa Ferguson out from the library for a while now. I loved Meet Me in the Margins and wanted to try another one of her books. This one had me laughing out loud like crazy quite a few times. My kids couldn't figure out what was wrong with me. However, there were some serious and tearful parts as well. 

I am currently reading The Wedding Dress by Rachel Hauck for one of my August reading challenges. As with her other books I've read, I am absolutely loving this book.

Book Beginnings on Fridays

(Please join Gilion Dumas for Book Beginnings every Friday to share the first sentence (or so) of the book you are reading, along with your initial thoughts about the sentence, impressions of the book, or anything else the opener inspires. Please remember to include the title of the book and the author's name.)

Here is my book beginnings for The Dating Charade by Melissa Ferguson.

"If one was going to dip one's toes into the murky, pestilential waters of online dating, an escape plan was critical."

I really wanted to know more about these escape plans Cassie came up with. 

And here is my book beginnings for The Wedding Dress by Rachel Hauck.

"It was the breeze, a change in the texture of the unseen that made her look up and walk around a stand of shading beech trees. Charlotte paused on the manicured green of the Ludlow Estate for a pure, deep breath, observing the elements of the day-blue sky, spring trees, sunlight bouncing off the parked-car windshields."

Okay, so what is drawing her and what is she going to find?

Now for:
The Friday 56

The Friday 56 is hosted over at Freda's Voice.
*Grab a book, any book.
*Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader
(If you have to improvise, that's ok.)
 *Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it) that grab you.
*Post it.
*Add your (url) post below in Linky. Add the post url, not your blog url. It's that simple.

Here are my Friday 56 selections.

The Dating Charade by Melissa Ferguson
"'Allow me,' Jett lifted a credit card from his wallet and slid it toward Mrs. Leake, who sat there with a slight and telling smile across her lips. Had Bree not prepped him for every detail of the date Cassie had picked for them--including the involvement of Mr. Leake, Bree's own mother--he would've been suspicious then and there. Instead, he let the self-satisfaction simmer while the women started the show." 

The Wedding Dress by Rachel Hauck

"Charlotte stared out her fourth-floor window toward the amber hue rising over the city and the stream of white, bright, after-work headlights. In the quiet, she could hear her heartbeat, hear her own questions about Tim and their wedding."


  1. I enjoyed both of these and I hope you do as well! Have a great weekend!

  2. Both sound good, especially The Wedding Dress! Happy weekend!

  3. The murky, pestilential waters of online dating. That's genius! Thank you for sharing!

  4. I like the quotes. Have a great weekend!


Thank you so much for stopping by. If you have the time, I would appreciate it if you leave a comment. Have a blessed day!