Friday, November 3, 2023

Friday Fun - November 3, 2023

Welcome to my Friday Fun post. This is where I share with two different book parties that post on Fridays: Book Beginnings on Fridays and the Friday 56.

This week I have three books to share with you. I zinged through all of these.

I read The Extraordinary Deaths of Mrs. Kip by Sara Brunsvold. I kept seeing it recommended, but it was on my TBR list for this year to go with my one reading challenge of reading 12 books recommended personally to me. You can read my review here.

I also read Crushed Hopes and Hopeful Beginnings by Carol Ashby. I'm on the launch team for this book and it just released on November 1st. It is the prequel to her newest full length Light in the Empire novel which releases next year. 

I just finished reading Where is My Sister by Jane Daly. I could not put the book down last night and finished it at two in the morning. I'm also on the launch team for this book. This one releases on November 24th.

Book Beginnings on Fridays

(Please join Gilion Dumas for Book Beginnings every Friday to share the first sentence (or so) of the book you are reading, along with your initial thoughts about the sentence, impressions of the book, or anything else the opener inspires. Please remember to include the title of the book and the author's name.)

Here is my Book Beginnings for The Extraordinary Deaths of Mrs. Kip by Sara Brunsvold:

"Clara Kip had prayed repeatedly to die in Sao Paulo."

That sounds a bit depressing, until you continue reading and discover why.

Here is my Book Beginnings for Crushed Hopes and Hopeful Beginnings by Carol Ashby:

"With a satisfied smile that was almost a grin, Lusario set down the stylus and leaned back in the desk chair."

Seems he had accomplished something. But what? 

And here is my Book Beginnings for Where is My Sister by Jane Daly:

"Brianna stood in the blazing hot sun, wilting beneath the heat with every passing second."

Okay, so why was she needing to stand in the sun if it is so hot. 

Now for:
The Friday 56

The Friday 56 is hosted over at Freda's Voice.
*Grab a book, any book.
*Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader
(If you have to improvise, that's ok.)
 *Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it) that grab you.
*Post it.
*Add your (url) post below in Linky. Add the post url, not your blog url. It's that simple.

Here are my Friday 56 selections.

The Extraordinary Deaths of Mrs. Kip by Sara Brunsvold:
"Rosario took in the words of the accompanying article. Soon enough, her lips parted. She had clearly come to that paragraph. Her jaw practically dropped to her clavicle."

Crushed Hopes and Hopeful Beginnings by Carol Ashby:

"'Fortuna smiled when you got Lusario. He took care of everything his old Cyrenian master didn't want to deal wth. Or didn't know how to. I would have gladly bought him myself if Florus hadn't. If you ever want to sell him--'
'I won't. He's proven his worth several times over already.'"

Where is My Sister by Jane Daly:

"The other girl lowered her voice. 'I'm not supposed to talk about the purge.' She glanced around the room as if searching for anyone who might be listening. Goosebumps rose on Brianna's arms. 'It's all about separating yourself from the group for a certain length of time. Doing some deep introspection.'"


Last week I shared three books in my Friday Fun post. If you'd like to read the reviews of those books, I invite you to click on the links below:

1 comment:

  1. Hop on over to my blog if you'd like to join in on some quotable fun. I'm taking over for Freda until she gets well for the Friday56 meme where we publish quotes from page 56 of the book we are currently reading. Loved to have you join us. Friday56 Quotes


Thank you so much for stopping by. If you have the time, I would appreciate it if you leave a comment. Have a blessed day!