Monday, February 20, 2023

In the Midst of the Darkest Hour by Latisha Sexton Reivew


I had the chance to be on the Launch Team for In the Midst of the Darkest Hour by Latisha Sexton. I'm so excited to be able to share my thoughts. 

I absolutely loved being able to read Lily and Malcolm’s story. They were introduced in In the Midst of the Storm, so if you haven't read that book, I'd really recommend reading it first. Lily is a good friend of Olivia's and Will’s sister. Malcolm (Mac) is Olivia's brother. He is an FBI agent and between what he's seen and what he's personally experienced has turned away from God. Lily has a past that had been teased but no details given in the first book. Though she remains faithful to Christ, and even helps and encourages Olivia in book one, she has a lot of baggage that we finally get to discover in book two. 

As much as I enjoyed the first book, I truly love this book more. I do love that we get a continuation of Olivia and Wills story, though it is in the background of Lily and Malcolm’s story. 

The first book deals with a stalker while this one deals with human trafficking and the effects it has even after a woman escapes the horror. 

Unlike the first book where we weren't sure who the stalker was for sure, it is evident a lot sooner (though not too soon) who the bad guy is and part of the suspense is wondering when and how he's going to impact Lily's life again. 

I really appreciated the spiritual truths. Here are some of the passages that stood out to me.
“But God was just. God was loving, even when things didn’t seem that way. And God was a God of redeeming forgiveness.” And then the question that haunted both Malcolm and Lily, “But God couldn’t want him after all he’d done. Could he?”

Then the reminder, “’You’ve been living with this burden when all you have to do is look to the cross. God, in His sovereign grace, doesn’t make us wait for heaven to be made new. As soon as we are saved, He gives us freedom from our sins. Run to the cross, Mac. God’s grace is big enough to cover it all.’”

I enjoyed watching both Mac’s and Lily’s spiritual journey and growth.
There was just the right amount of suspense and there was nothing too graphic.

Definitely a book I recommend.

I received this book for free from the author as a part of the launch team and was not required to write a favorable review. These are my own, honest thoughts.

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