Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Beyond the Silence by Tracie Peterson and Kimberley Woodhouse Review


Beyond the Silence is the second book I have read that is a collaberation between Tracie Peterson and Kimberley Woodhouse. Let's just say, I loved it. What an awesome story. It drew me in from the first line and wouldn't let go. It's one of those books where I have to shake myself back to reality when I am forced to put the book down.

This book is told from five different viewpoints. Lillian Porter, who has come out west to California against her grandfather's wishes to take a job as a nanny. Woodward Colton (or Woody) is the man who hired her to watch his son. He has been alone for a year, since his wife's murder. All alone except for his housekeeper, Mrs. Goodman, one of the only people in the area that believes he is innocent of his wife's murder. Jimmy Colton is Woody's mute son who hasn't spoken since he witnessed his mother being murdered. Darwin Longstreet is the villain in the story whom we meet quite early. And Harry is his brother who is slow yet full of innocence and love and loyalty.

There was a good amount of suspense in the story, even though we knew who the nefarious villain was. Faith played an important role in the story. Good reminders against gossip and listening to rumors, and reminders to show love.

And this was a story where someone was wrongfully accused, which I recently discovered is a trope that will grab my attention and not let because I need to see justice come about. It sure tugged on my heart to see the way Woody was being treated, and how that affected all in his family, even the newly arrived Lillian. Another part that touched my heart was how Harry was being treated.

I grew to love these main characters, except for Darwin who I loathed. Yes, loathed. I wasn't a huge fan of quite a few of the townsfolk because of their treatment of Woody.

I loved the twists in the story. There were some things that I anticipated, but quite a few that I did not. The authors brought everything together wonderfully, leaving no loose ends.

It's a wonderful story that I highly recommend.

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