Friday, August 2, 2024

Home For Christmas Novella Collection Review


I loved this collection of four novellas. Each novella focuses on one of four siblings who were separated as children. We see them as adults who each have their own issues they are working through, plus see relationships that are developing in their lives. Each sibling is at a different place in their spiritual lives and faith plays an important role for all of them. The first story focuses on Eden, and she is the one who starts the process of trying to find her long lost siblings: Crista, Angelina, and Tim. Each story is written by a different author, but the stories are interwoven perfectly. It's not a secret that the siblings will reunite, seeing as it is right on the cover "Love Reunites four orphaned siblings in interwoven novellas." The joy of the story is reading each novella, getting to know each sibling and learn their story, and discover HOW they are finally reunited. The only thing I wish (and this could be a spoiler) is that more time was spent on the actual reunion and we could have seen more of their lives after they discovered each other.

I found this book while looking at books written by Colleen Coble in my library. I had never heard of this book before and I am so glad I found it. And while it is titled "Home for Christmas," the majority of the book does not take place at Christmas time, as we are seeing the siblings' lives leading up to the special Christmas.

Definitely a book I recommend.

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