Monday, August 19, 2024

Under the Stars by Cali Black Review


I just loved this finale to Cali Black's Blue Sky series. Under the Stars features Grady Wilder who readers of the series will remember from the third book, The Perfect Storm. (If you haven't read the first three books, you will want to read them before reading this final book or before even reading this review.) 

Poor Grady thought he was going to have a wonderful future with Takoda in the previous book, but she ended up choosing Storm. He also almost lost his restaurant in the mall, but was able to turn things around there. Like the previous two books, there is a hint at the new character for book four at the end of book three. We are introduced to Shea Callahan briefly. 

Both Grady and Shea own restaurants in the mall and are single. In the span of time between the end of book three and the beginning of book four they have become good friends. They are both trying internet dating but aren't having any success, so they decide to help each other by writing the other's profile and picking the matches. 

This leads to some interesting fiascos. Some of them not quite as hilarious as the others. In fact, the author was able to add in a bit of a suspense subplot which I enjoyed. 

There were quite a lot of twists in the relationships, and we even had some fake dating for a short period. And oh geez, but if I didn't want to shake some sense into a couple of the characters who made things uncomfortable for our main characters. 

There was a lot that Grady had to work through and I enjoyed taking this journey with him, even though there were definitely some tears. And I loved getting to know Shea. 

I loved watching the relationships in this story evolve. And I was so excited to get to get a glimpse into the West family and how each of their lives were going. It was a great way to end this series. 

Definitely a book and series I recommend.

I received an e-copy of this book as a member of the launch team and was not required to write a favorable review. These are my own honest thoughts. 

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