Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Hidden in the Night by Elizabeth Goddard Review


I really enjoyed Hidden in the Night, the final book in Elizabeth Goddard's Missing in Alaska series. I was quite intrigued and drawn in by the "finding a missing manuscript" part of the plot. A fictional missing manuscript written by a not-fictional famous author. I love the way the manuscript played into the story. The author kept me wondering how important the manuscript was to the other plot points. A missing young lady who was probably in danger herself. The possibility of trafficking being involved. Scientific researchers. Villains who both seem to be prodding Ivy to find the manuscript and deter her from finding it. As a reader I found there was a great deal of suspense and peril and mystery. And of course, it is romantic suspense, so what was going to happen in the relationship between Ivy and Nolan. 

The story is told from both of their points of view. They knew each other in the past but had let the other slip away. Was this the opportunity to get closer or would the fact that the one lived in Florida and the other in Alaska be a road block they couldn't overcome? I did love seeing their relationship evolve, though I did get frustrated with them at times. 

Another thing I loved about the book is that we get to see the characters from the previous two books again. I was sad to see that it was the final book in the series. I would have loved to read more books with these characters. 

The reason I gave it only four stars was because it was a book I was able to set aside and read something else instead of zinging right through it. Plus there were some things in the ending that I was hoping would play out a bit differently and didn't quite seem like they were resolved. 

But, I still loved this book and highly recommend it. If you are one who prefers to not have spoilers when it comes to character relationships, you will want to read these books in order. However, each story is a stand alone and has its own conclusion. 

I received an e-copy of this book through NetGalley and was not required to write a favorable review. These are my own honest thoughts.

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