Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The Women of Wynton's by Donna Mumma Review


The Women of Wynton's is my first book by Donna Mumma and I absolutely loved it. It is both a mystery and suspense set in the 1950's in a department store. The story is told from four different viewpoints, all women who are working at Wynton's. Audrey, Mary Jo, Gigi, and Vivian each work in different departments in the store, yet they find themselves joining together to try to solve a mystery, though they don't even know if they can trust all the women in the group.

Who is bringing harm to Mr. Wynton, the well-liked owner of the department store? As the story progresses there are murders being committed and the suspense ratches up. The reader wonders who will be next and why these murders are happening. When you think you have things figured out, the author throws in a twist and you have to rethink your conclusions. I will say, I had guessed the big baddie, but it was clear there was something else going on. I loved the way the author brought it all together in the end. 

As it is set in the 50s in the south we find segregation and discrimination, and also see the struggles of women's inequality. Additionally we see how gossip and rumors can hurt others.

Though the four women are the main characters, there are some great side characters as well. And I just loved the snippets of 1950s life that the author included to help bring that time period to life. 

Definitely a book I recommend. 

I received an e-copy of this book through NetGalley and by being a member of the launch team, and was not required to write a favorable review. These are my own honest thoughts.

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