Monday, July 8, 2024

When Secrets Come Calling by Felicia Ferguson Review


When Secrets Come Calling was the first book I have read by Felicia Ferguson and I really enjoyed it.

The story is mainly told from Dax and Caitlin's points of view, though there is one other's point of view occasionally. Dax and Caitlin used to be a couple, but their relationship has been over for several years. The only reason they are talking now is because Dax has requested her help in finding the truth in his father's case. His world has been turned upside down because his father is being accused of a 40 year old robbery and murder. His father is maintaining his innocence. Caitlin is a cold-case specialist and has to remain neutral in her investigation, even if her findings end up hurting Dax. Getting closure for the victim's family is very important to her, for personal reasons as well as professional reasons.

There are some twists and turns in both the criminal case and their relationship, some I didn't see coming. I really enjoyed getting to know Dax and Caitlin and their families and friends. There was a lot going on in this story in addition to the main criminal case and the romance. So, I really feel like I got to know these characters.

While at the beginning I was waiting for there to be some suspense, it began to dawn on me that their really wasn't any, at least what I am used to in a book that is listed as "romantic suspense." That doesn't mean it isn't a good book. I just thought I would mention it. There is a bit of mystery in trying to figure out what exactly happened 40 years earlier.

You will find second chances, in more than just the romance. And faith plays an important role in these characters' lives. Will they learn to lean on the Lord and trust Him?

This is a great book, and one I highly recommend.

I received an e-copy of this book as a member of the launch team, and was not required to write a favorable review. These are my own honest thoughts.

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