Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The Sword in His Hand by J.J. Fischer Review


The Sword in His Hand by J.J. Fischer wasn't exactly what I thought it was going to be, but I ended up enjoying it very much and found myself caring about the main characters. It did take me a while to actually get into the book, however. There were so many characters being introduced and I had trouble keeping them straight for most of the book. There was also a lot of moving from place to place, and trying to figure out exactly what was going on. So it wasn't until I had all that sorted out that I was really able to immerse myself in the story.
El and Torsten are the main characters whose eyes we see the story through. Though there is one other. El is from our world, though is known as an Outsider in the world the story takes place in. She finds herself alone in this world after the plane she is a passenger on crashes there. She doesn't know whether any of her travel mates have survived or not. 
As the story progresses we learn more about her, including her background, relationships with the people she had been traveling with, and where they had come from. But for the majority of the story, she just knows she is an outsider in a land that does not accept her. And then she finds herself in the presence of Torsten, someone she doesn't trust at all and is not sure whether she can or should trust him. 
There is a lot of peril in this book, and some gore and violence and attempted rape, along with mentions of lewd looks and thoughts. This world she finds herself in is dealing with a tyrannical ruler, rebels, and slavery. But it is also a world that seems to have been stuck in the middle ages.
When it comes to faith in the book, El finds herself questioning God and her faith. While Torsten has no faith, except in his sword and his need for vengeance. Will there be forgiveness and redemption? You'll have to read it to see. Warning, the book ends on a huge cliffhanger, so you'll want yo have book 2 ready. I know I'll be starting it shortly.

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