Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Virginia Company Bride by Gabrielle Meyer Review


Virginia Company Bride by Gabrielle Meyer was a sweet short romance. I actually picked it up because I'm in love with the author's Timeless series and I saw this book would work for one of my reading challenges. I was excited to get to read another of her books. I am embarrased to admit I didn't realize this story was based on real people. Anne Burras and John Layton are the main characters, and yes, they were real people who lived in James Fort in Jamestown, VA. I had recognized some of the other real life characters. The author took some creative liberties telling the story of Anne and John and I loved reading their story. I also loved that she brought that time in history to life.

The author drew me in to the story right away and I finished in about a day.

I can't wait to read more from this series.

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